Izvor: NoviMagazin.rs, 27.Sep.2024, 17:55

Interview Dr Ofer Cassif: Violence does not justify violence

Ofer Cassif’s ancestors immigrated from Poland to Israel in 1934. His parents described him as allergic to injustice. While at university in Israel, he joined a left-wing Jewish-Arab student association. He finished his PhD in political philosophy at The London School of Economics, and completed his post-doctoral studies at Columbia University, NY. He fought for the rights of workers, women, Palestinians and all marginalised people. He was the first Israeli who was imprisoned during the first Intifada of 1987 (the Palestinian uprising against the Israeli occupation) for refusing to serve in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and altogether served four terms in prison. He was a university professor until 2019 when he became a member of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament). It is not contradictory for him to feel for the victims of Hamas while simultaneously feeling empathy for Palestinian civilians, victims of Israeli violence.
Pogledaj vesti o: London

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